Top 20 Branded Product Categories in U.S. Movie and TV Show Product Placements – May 2024

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the most spotted product categories in product placements in U.S. movies and TV shows for May 2024

This infographic highlights the top 20 branded product categories by number of placements in U.S. movies and TV shows for May 2024. The categories include Drinks & Non-Alcoholic Beverages (284), Alcoholic Drinks (263), Food & Grocery (258), Shoes (155), Beer (152), Clothing & Outfits (142), Sneakers (138), Laptops & Portable Computers (117), Cars (99), Online Services and WEB (96), Whisky (76), Applications & Software (62), Cell Phones & Smartphones (56), Health Care (55), Water (52), Wrist Watches (52), Kitchen Products (48), Breakfast Cereals (46), Monitors (42), and Candies (41).

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