Top 15 Brands with the Most Product Placements in U.S. Movies and TV Shows – May 2024

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Top 15 Brands with the Most Product Placements in U.S. Movies and TV Shows - May 2024

This infographic showcases the top 15 brands with the highest number of product placements in U.S. movies and TV shows released in May 2024. Apple leads with 201 placements, followed by Coca-Cola with 113 and Nike with 82. Other notable brands include Adidas (48), Miller Beer (44), Microsoft (34), and Dell (33). The list also features Kellogg’s (26), General Mills (23), Casio (22), and Vans (21). Google, Budweiser, Pepsi, and 3M each have 20 placements. This data highlights the brands most frequently seen on screen.

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